Wiltja Dog Obedience Club Inc.
Due to our Insurers Liability Exclusion, Wiltja Dog Obedience Club Inc. will not accept membership and enrolment of the listed Restricted Dogs as per section 3(1) of the Domestic Animals Act 1994.
A Restricted Breed Dog (RBD) is a dog that is any one of the following breeds:
American Pit Bull Terrier (or Pit Bull Terrier)
Dogo Argentino
Fila Brasileiro
Japanese Tosa
Perro de Presa Canario (or Presa Canario)
Under section 3(3) of the Domestic Animals Act 1994, a dog that falls within this approved standard for a breed of dog specified above is to be taken to be a dog of that breed.
The Club will also refuse enrolment and membership to a dog that has been declared as, under the Domestic Animals Act 1994:
A dangerous dog declared due to attack
An attack trained dog
Guard dog, or
Declared menacing dog